Sunday, April 3, 2011

Google and Social Networking

The above link is to a new york times article which analyzes a recent Google move into the social networking spectrum. The article discussed a new tool, called +1, which allows users to "like" certain web pages/advertisements and share this information with friends. According to the article, the tool is very similiar to Facebook's "like" tool. The author discusses how the new tool is a response to Facebook's increasing threat to Google. Users are more likely to trust reviews from friends, family, etc. Thus, Facebook is cutting into time users would normally spend on Google, lowering revenue recieved from advertisers. +1 is a response to this threat by allowing Google users to see what their friends and contacts have to say, making the search engine service more user friendly. The article also discussed potential privacy complications with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) over its new tool. There is debate over whether the information displayed via +1 is truly public and thus whether or not is violates Google's privacy policy. Either way, i think this is a step in the right direction for Google to further compete with Facebook.

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